When, how, and for how long can I protect and monetize my biotech or pharma innovation? Being able to answer these questions is crucial whenever a Biotech or Pharma company decides to bring their products to the public and to the market. Therefore we have set up this new workshop with Dr. Oliver Ladendorf (LL.B.) from Kraus & Weisert, European Patent and Trademark Attorneys, Munich, Germany.
By joining the modules "Intellectual Property: Patents, Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs) and Litigation" and "Regulatory Exclusivity and Reimbursement" in an interactive one-day course, the attendees will be able to define the exclusivity period of a pharmaceutical product in light of patent rights, and learn about supplementary protection certificates (SPCs), litigation outcomes, and regulatory considerations. A further learning goal is to convey a basic understanding of reimbursement mechanisms in Germany, including negotiation strategies with public health insurance in the context of regulatory and scientific requirements.
This course is directed to staff from pharmaceutical or biotech companies who are bringing or planning to bring their products to the market, as well as life science researchers who are generally interested in the interplay between IP and regulatory approaches.
For further information and to register for the course, please visit: