We are excited to continue also in 2025 the Talks in the Cube starting with a further expert discussion focused on the IP strategies in biotechnology.
Join us as we explore various Intellectual Strategies aproaches and aspects of Licensing Business.
Dr. Oliver Ladendorf, LL.B., European Patent Attorney, Kraus & Lederer PartGmbB, Munich
Dr. Sun Jin Lee, European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator (UPC), Maiwald GmbH, Munich
Dr. Uwe Lohmeier, Gläsernes Labor Akademie (GLA), Campus Berlin-Buch GmbHm Berlin (Moderation)
More information about the event shortly.
Whether you are a seasoned investor, a biotech entrepreneur, or simply interested in the future of biotechnology, this discussion promises to provide valuable perspectives and foster meaningful conversations. The talk will be followed by a networking event where you can socialize over snacks and drinks. Don’t miss out on this valuable event!
Target audience:
Founders & scientists from start-ups, small and medium-sized life science companies and scientific institutions.
Participation is free of charge. Registration is requested.
New date to be announced
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
BerlinBioCube (Building D95), Campus Berlin-Buch, Robert-Rössle-Straße 10, 13125 Berlin
Further information:
Uwe Lohmeier per E-Mail: u.lohmeier@campusberlinbuch.de
Further topics planned for 2025
- International cooperation and funding programs in Life Sciences
- Life Science Marketing: Ways to promote your products
- CROs in diagnostics and therapeutics development
About "Talk in the Cube"
With the event series "Talk in the Cube", we bring business and science together on the Berlin-Buch campus and connect founders of start-ups or life science companies with scientists, e.g. from the Max Delbrück Center, FMP, Charité and BIH. We invite experts on business topics or trends in the life sciences and highlight aspects such as
- What innovations are there in the start-ups and who is driving them forward?
- How does the life science business world work and where can synergies with science be created?
- How does the "networked laboratory" work and how do you live "sustainability in the laboratory"?
Picture credits: P. Himsel
Version: 3 February 2025
Subject to modifications