Multiomics, Automation, Digitization are nowadays major challenges for lab teams in a complex biotechnology landscape.
The 4-day intensive course provides a comprehensive overview of the most important trends in biotechnology labs. Through panel discussions, lectures and workshops and during evening events attendees will develop an overall understanding how to set-up their teams for modern laboratory practice.
The trainer team consists of experts from research, laboratory industry and psychology. In small learning groups in a familiar atmosphere the participants will
- apply lecture contents during interactive and case-related excercises coached by the trainers
- discuss their questions with the lecturers and trainers
- get a good overall understanding for of the Laboratory 4.0 complexity
How to handle complex workflows in the Lab of tomorrow? - Panel Discussion with experts from research and industry, Protein-Protein Interactions, Proteomics, Smartlab Systems, Dos and Don'ts in the jungle of automatation and digitalization, High-Throughput-Screening of Compound and RNA-Interference Libraries (Tour at the FMP through the largest Academic Screening Unit in Europe), Digitization (workshops on electronic lab data with Labfolder and image analysis), miniaturization, mental health in the Lab 4.0, cultural awareness in global teams (workshops)
Course Language
Attendees will receive at the beginning of the course comprehensive paper documentation. The binders include print-outs of all presentation slides and working sheets as used during the workshop sessions. All paper documents, links to further information and literature will also be made available electronically through a course sharepoint.
The next couse is planned from Wednesday, 16 September 2020 Saturday, 19 Sep 2020, daily from 9:00 a.m. till 06.00 p.m. plus evening events.
The course is limited to a maximum of 12 participants and will only take place with a minimum of 6 attendees. Due to organizational reasons, an early registration is recommended.
Target Audience
The course is directed to Heads of Life Science Laboratories and Natural Scientists, PhD students, Postdocs in scientific or medical degree programs staff managing or plan to manage life science laboratories.
Learning Goals
After course completion, attendees will have a good understanding of the complexity of the modern life sciences laboratory. They should be able to evaluate the current status of their work environment and to develop a profound understanding how to get their teams ready for the future.
The participation of the course will be certified by the Gläsernes Labor Akademie (GLA).
Course Fees
1.908,00 € per participant incl. 16% VAT, course binders and catering according to program as attached. Attendees of academical institutions pay 1.525,00 € incl. VAT.
Private registrees will get a fee reduction of about 10%.
According to local law (§ 11 Berliner Bildungsurlaubsgesetzes BiUrlG) educational leave applies.
Laboratory experiences are advisable.
Further information
Dr. Uwe Lohmeier per E-Mail: u.lohmeier@campusberlinbuch.de
Status: 09 May 20, Subject to modifications
Picture credits: Anyess von Bock